Legal Services

We Are a Full-Service Law Firm Representing Clients throughout the East and West Kootenays. If you need to consult with a lawyer don’t hesitate to contact us today. We want to know how we can help. Our primary focus is representing plaintiffs in personal injury claims, including brain injury and psychological disorders. We have extensive experience resolving civil claims including construction disputes, creditor remedies and estate litigation. We take select family law clients. We do not take legal aid cases.


Litigation Counsel: My Unique Approach

At Purcell Law I work hard to develop a legal strategy for my clients that meets their needs. Between the constraints of time, money and the emotional impact of being immersed in a legal dispute, I work to tailor results that fit my clients’ needs. Often, these results are achieved outside the courtroom. Some disputes can only be resolved in a courtroom with a judge. However, some clients hate the thought of being in court. Some need an immediate solution and court process simply cannot deliver results fast enough. Some clients are simply unable to afford the costs of going to trial. Within all of these considerations, I am able to draw upon my experience both inside and outside the courtroom to craft a strategy that my clients are comfortable with and that achieves their desired outcome.

After a decade of reflecting on my practice I have changed my approach to delivering legal services:

  • I have taken a broader approach to the priorities and outcomes my clients seek. I strive to resolve their disputes quickly and where possible, to do so out-of-court.
  • I acknowledge that a legal dispute is extremely taxing and that clients cannot neglect their emotional health. Where appropriate, I guide clients towards support and resources to ensure they are keeping this piece of their health in check;
  • Disputes do not end in the courtroom. Most relationships are ongoing. Knowing this, I strive to help my clients frame their disputes in a proper context, and to understand that a ‘win’ in court sometimes means a loss in the broader relationship, especially in the context of family clients. Exploring compromise and settlement at the front end of a dispute can lead to better outcomes down the road;
  • To reduce costs I have shed the trappings of a conventional legal office, where overhead costs often demand that lawyers aggressively bill clients simply to keep the firm solvent. I have invested considerably in cutting-edge software and leveraged contract and “remote” support services to reduce my cost footprint. I pass these savings on to clients;

If you are involved in a legal dispute or have one on your horizon, let’s talk. My consultations are free, and while I am selective in the clients I take, I want to know about your case.


Personal Injury

Commercial Disputes

The business environment moves fast and my clients need to resolve disputes in a timely and efficient way.

I have represented many parties involved in commercial disputes over the past decade. These clients include:

  • homeowners and builders on either side of a building contract dispute;
  • employees and employers in employment disputes, from small businesses to large companies, including advising businesses on the development and implementation of employment policies and contracts;
  • creditors seeking judgment against borrowers, from individual lenders to chartered banks and foreclosure actions.

I have a broad range of experience in commercial litigation. At the heart of my commercial practice, I try and see a resolution to a dispute that works within the demands and needs of the client’s business.


Wills and Estates

Legal disputes arising from the loss of a family member can be emotionally devastating; at a time when a family is meant to grieve, they are instead embroiled in a legal dispute that depletes the financial resources of the estate and taxes everyone’s emotions. Conflict that has been simmering between family members for decades often surfaces with renewed volatility when an aggrieved party commences a lawsuit challenging a will or making a claim against an estate.

There are ways to navigate these disputes to limit the financial and emotional impact on the family. I aim to help my clients develop a “30,000 foot perspective” and to recognize that bringing the family into a legal dispute in a time of grief may have long-term consequences for the health of the family as a whole. Sometimes the dispute is unavoidable and the courtroom is the only practical place to settle the matter. However, sometimes a different approach can be undertaken resulting in better outcomes. I assess the viability of settlement through mediation when and where there is a realistic chance of reaching an out-of-court resolution. Doing so can avoid massive legal fees, as well as allowing frayed relationships the opportunity to mend.

When the dispute is beyond the aid of mediators, I will step in and protect your interests in court. I provide effective and economical legal services and have a solid record of providing timely and effective litigation counsel and my record proves it.

I represent executors and beneficiaries in all aspects of estate litigation including challenging a will or defending an estate from such actions.


Family Law

Over the past ten years I have developed a collaborative approach to the practice of family law. I work with clients who see the value of fostering a working relationship with their ex-partner especially with respect to parenting. I have found that our court system, while sometimes necessary, is not the ideal venue for many family disputes and mediation and settlement provides for better outcomes that are in the best interests of children.

I have managed many property and debt-division disputes between separating spouses and am current with tax and business law and can offer the necessary advice and perspective to efficiently and fairly resolve disputes.


Residential Property Conveyances

We represent parties buying and selling residential property. We are aware of and follow closely the continually changing tax landscape and the evolving real estate regulatory framework in British Columbia, including new home builds and GST rebates, Property Transfer Tax exemption categories and foreclosures.


Wills and Estates

I provide advice and guidance in drafting wills and estate planning. I work with accounting and investment professionals to help clients develop the most efficient vehicle for passing on their wealth and legacy to family.